roundup 101
weed killin' know how
weed killin' know-how
Challenge: Roundup has been the leading weedkiller in America for the last twenty years. Unfortunately, consumers often misunderstand how to use the product safely and properly.

Solution: The Roundup Cowboy - the strong, silent Clint Eastwood of the suburban driveway - has lived on broadcast for 5 years, building the brand to over 80% market share. So naturally, when Roundup needed to explain the proper usage of weed killers, it was time for him to sing...

At the site, DIYers learned everything about Roundup and weed killing. Select a question, and our suburban hero answers it with serious Johnny Cash swagger.

Roundup 101: intro video.

Which weeds will Roundup kill?

How do I properly apply Roundup?

How does Roundup work?

Can I apply Roundup if bad weather is coming?

Is there a way to keep weeds away for a longer time?

Where can I apply Roundup?

The site was optimized for mobile. The videos were also hosted on a Roundup youtube channel.